Monday, 22 June 2015

Food and Yoga

While celebrating International Yoga Day, we bring to you some habits and food that would help nurture your body along with the Yoga asanas.

1. Self-Discipline- This principle is followed in every aspect of yoga and therefore in the eating involved too. Whatever you eat must be in moderation and nor in excess as to banish all the good benefits of Yoga.

2.    Sweet Fruits- Fruits which are naturally sweet aid a lot in increasing the metabolism of your body along with Yoga. These include apples, raisins, pears, kiwis, apricots.

3. Milk Products- As “satvic” foods are recommended for people practising Yoga; these include all the milk products from paneer to yoghurt.

4. Avoid onions and garlic- Satvic foods always involve food which lead to purification of body, mind and soul. Onions and garlic are said to be dark and dull and falls under the category of Tamasic foods.

 5. Anti-oxidants- Coffee and Tea leads to insomnia, nervousness, extra calories too. Therefore, limit its intake to maximum 2 cups a day. You can also opt for Herbal tea or Green tea.

6. Spices and Alcohol- Low spice content is recommended. Alcohol is considered to be a “nutrient-thief” and also weakens an individual mentally and physically.

7.  Plant-Based Oils- this include-Olive, Safflower, Sesame, Sunflower oil.

These practices and choice of food-eating might not work overnight. However, if you follow it for a considerable period of time along with Yoga, it is sure to instil purity in your lifestyle.

How far have you gone to change your lifestyle with yoga?
Share with us your before and after story at

We are Zickpea.

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