Isha Chaudhry
Dreamer, Foodie, Blogger
Ever heard about Paans? What do you know about them? Can you associate them only to the roadside "bhaiyas"? Well I beg to differ!
Presenting before you an
entirely different variety of paan.
The chuski paan gives you the
bliss off the chuski on a hot summer day with different flavors of blueberry,
strawberry and chocolate. Along with that it gives you the "bhaiya"
wali feeling of having a paan except that by the end of it you would be smiling
(but not with betel smeared teeth).
This paan wala has a huge
variety of paans to offer as per your liking and I am sure once you try it you
would always want to come again. So the next time you go to CP try a paan and
let me know about your experience.
P.S. He might end up shoving the chuski paan into
your mouth on his own to give you the "Brain-freeze" so beware, you
have been notified.
What's your paan brain-freezing story? Tell us at
What's your paan brain-freezing story? Tell us at

So yummy article ! Isha good going :P :)